eMove® 8A - CEE 7/7 Plug - Tuotenro 502004 / 502704

eMove® Help Center

Täältä löydät kaikki tarvitsemasi ohjeet eMoven käytön aloittamiseksi.

Näin eMove® laturia käytetään

User connects eMove to mains power Power icon illuminates Indicates connection to mains power Analysis sequence Checks mains supply power Charger is in Standard Mode Two LEDs illuminated on the user interface User connects secondary side cable to vehicle Battery contact confirmed Top and bottom of battery illuminates Analysis sequence Checks vehicle-side connection Charging starts Rated to regional standard charge current Battery charging sequence Normal speed for charging animation After 3 minutes, LED intensity is reduced Charging process and animation sequence continues Charging is almost completed Charger will enter standby mode shortly Charger enters Standby Mode LED indicators transition to a power saving pulse User disconnects secondary side cable Connection to vehicle/battery is terminated Battery LEDs turn off Charger will remain in Standby Mode Standby Mode pulse sequence continues whilst connected User disconnects eMove from mains power Mains power supply to charger is terminated All LEDs are now off

Normaali tila

Oletuksena eMove lataa paikallisella maksimivirralla 8A.

Kun lataus loppuu ja auton akku on täynnä, eMove-laturi palautuu latausvalmiustilaan; akkuvalo ja virtapainikkeen valo vilkkuvat tällöin 4s välein.

DEFA Mode 2 Charge Cable Interface Sequence: High Mode
User connects eMove to mains power Power icon illuminates Indicates connection to mains power Analysis sequence Checks mains supply power Charger is in Standard Mode Two LEDs illuminated on the user interface Press MODE, release, press again, to enter High Mode MODE text illuminates for 5 seconds to confirm user input Single button press (toggled to Derate) Second press (toggled to High Mode) Charger enters High Mode, increasing charging current. All 3 charging LEDs illuminated on the user interface User connects secondary side cable to vehicle Battery contact confirmed Upper and lower battery segments illuminate solid Charging starts Boosted to regional max charging current Battery charging sequence Fast charging animation to reflect increased charge current After 3 minutes, LED intensity is reduced Charging process and animation sequence continues After 120 minutes, High Mode deactivates automatically Charging reverts back to Standard Mode Charging process continues in Normal Mode Charge animation sequence slows Charging is almost completed Charger will enter standby mode shortly Charger enters Standby Mode LED indicators transition to a power saving pulse User disconnects secondary side cable Connection to vehicle/battery is terminated Battery LEDs turn off Charger will remain in Standby Mode Standby Mode pulse sequence continues whilst connected High Mode can be re-activated after reconnecting unit Safety feature to prevent overheating User disconnects eMove from mains power Mains power supply to charger is terminated All LEDs are now off


Tehotila kannattaa valita jo ennen eMove-laturin kytkemistä autoon. Tehotila valitaan painamalla MODE-painiketta niin monta kertaa, että tehotila aktivoituu. Tehotilassa latausvirta nousee maksimiasetukselle (Suomessa 12A). Tehotilassa lataat 120 minuuuttia tällä teholla, jonka jälkeen laturi palaa normaalitilaan (8A).

Animaatio näyttää tehotilan aktivoinnin ennen latauksen aloittamista. eMove-laturi on irroitettava kokonaan sekä pistorasiasta että autosta ennen tehotilan aktivoimista uudelleen.

User connects eMove to mains power Power icon illuminates Indicates connection to mains power Analysis sequence Checks mains supply power Charger is in Standard Mode Two LEDs illuminated on the user interface Press MODE button once to enter Derated Mode MODE text illuminates for 5 seconds to confirm user input Single button press (toggled to Derate) Charger enters Derated Mode, limiting current Only bottom charging LED illuminated User connects secondary side cable to vehicle Battery contact confirmed Upper and lower battery segments illuminate solid Analysis sequence Checks vehicle-side connection Charging starts Limited charging current Battery charging sequence Slow charging animation to reflect reduced charge current After 3 minutes, LED intensity is reduced Charging process and animation sequence continues Charging is almost completed Charger will enter standby mode shortly Charger enters Standby Mode LED indicators transition to a power saving pulse User disconnects secondary side cable Connection to vehicle/battery is terminated Battery LEDs turn off Charger will remain in Standby Mode Standby Mode pulse sequence continues whilst connected Charger stays in Derated Mode until changed manually Derate Mode is saved after disconnecting charger from mains User disconnects eMove from mains power Mains power supply to charger is terminated All LEDs are now off

Hidas lataus

Hidas lataus voidaan aloittaa jo ennen laturin kytkemistä autoon tai kun lataus on käynnissä. Molemmissa tapauksissa hidas lataus valitaan painamalla kerran MODE-painiketta. Hitaan latauksen aikana auto latautuu alemmalla virralla (Suomessa 6A).

Animaatio näyttää hitaan latauksen aktivoinnin ennen latauksen aloittamista.

Power icon states:

The power icon indicates the status of mains power.

Power off

Charger is not connected to mains power.

Total Sequence: -
Step interval: -
LED color: (off)

Power on

Charger is connected to power and charging.

Total Sequence: Indefinite
Step interval: -
LED color: White

Inactive state

Active charging is finished and charger enters LED saving mode, indefinitely until power is disconnected.

Total Sequence: 4000ms
Fade interval: 400ms
LED color: White

Mains power error

There is a fault with the mains power (incorrect or uneven voltage, ground fault etc).

Total Sequence: 2000ms
Step interval: 1000ms
LED color: Red

MODE button states:

The Derate and Boost charging modes are activated through the MODE button. The button does not illuminate permanently based on a specific mode but illuminates for 5 seconds after being activated by the user.

No user interaction

The MODE button is not illuminated during charging sequences and will only illuminate temporarily to indicate user activation of the mode button.

Total Sequence: -
Step interval: -
LED color: (off)

Button press by user

User has toggled between Standard, Derate or High Modes by pressing the MODE button. The MODE text will illuminate for 5 seconds and then fade.

Total Sequence: 8000ms
Step interval: -
LED color: White

Charger states:

The charger icon indicates the status of the charging unit (ICCB).

Charger disconnected

Displays when there is no electrical contact between the Type 2 connector and vehicle.

Total Sequence: -
Step interval: -
LED color: (off)


Sequence shown after charger is connected to mains power or to vehicle.

Total Sequence: 2000ms
Step interval: 500ms
LED color: White

Normal Charging

Charger unit is actively charging vehicle at the regional maximum current (default charge setting).

Total Sequence: Indefinite
Step interval: -
LED color: White

Derated Charging

User has activated derated charge current.

Total Sequence: Indefinite
Step interval: -
LED color: White

High Mode Charging

Charger unit is actively charging vehicle at the regional maximum current (default charge setting).

Total Sequence: Indefinite
Step interval: -
LED color: White

Normal charging finished

Charger is still connected but active charging is finished.

Total Sequence: 4000ms
Fade in: 400ms
Fade out: 400ms
LED Max intensity: 50%

Charger error

There is an error with the charging unit (ICCB) and charging cannot continue.

Total Sequence: 2000ms
Step interval: 1000ms
LED color: Red

Battery states:

The battery icon indicates the status of the secondary side.
(Type 2 connector/vehicle/battery).

Battery disconnected

There is no active electrical connection to the Type 2 secondary side connector.

Total Sequence: -
Step interval: -
LED color: (off)

Battery connected

Initial display when contact is made with battery. No active charging.

Total Sequence: Indefinite
Step interval: -
LED color: White

Normal charging

Based on regional standards

Total Sequence: 2500ms
Step interval: 416ms
LED color: White

Derated charging

User has activated derated charge current.

Total Sequence: 4000ms
Step interval: 667ms
LED color: White

High Mode Charging

User has activated High Mode, increasing charge current to regional max for 90 minutes..

Total Sequence: 2500ms
Step interval: 416ms
LED color: White

Battery fully charged

Active charging is finished and charger enters LED saving mode, indefinitely until power is disconnected.

Total Sequence: 4000ms
Fade in: 400ms
Fade out: 400ms
LED Max intensity: 50%

Battery error

Displays when there is a fault from vehicle side, or no electrical contact with car

Total Sequence: 2000ms
Step interval: 1000ms
LED color: Red


Lataa käyttöohje

eMove 8A – CEE 7/7 plug – 502004 / 502704







Ongelmia eMove-laturin kanssa?

User connects eMove to mains power Power icon illuminates Indicates connection to mains power Analysis sequence Checks mains supply power User connects secondary side cable to vehicle Battery contact confirmed Top and bottom of battery illuminates Analysis sequence Checks vehicle-side connection Vehicle-side error All battery LEDs flash User disconnects secondary side cable to vehicle User disconnects eMove from mains power

Autoon liittyvä virhetila

Tämä virhetila tarkoittaa, että ongelma on muualla kuin ohjaimessa/laturissa. Virhetila voi johtua auton akusta, vioittuneesta liittimestä tai kommunikaatiovirheestä auton ja laturin välillä.

Autoon liittyvä virhetila voi ilmetä milloin vain eMove-laturin ollessa kiinni autossa ja verkkovirrassa: Latauksen aikana, odottaessa latauksen alkamista tai käynnistymisen aikana.

User connects eMove to mains power Power icon illuminates Indicates connection to mains power Analysis sequence Checks mains supply power User connects secondary side cable to vehicle Battery contact confirmed Top and bottom of battery illuminates Analysis sequence Checks vehicle-side connection Error with charger unit detected All charger LEDs flash red User disconnects secondary side cable to vehicle User disconnects eMove from mains power

Latausyksikön virhetila

Tämä virhetila kertoo, että ongelma liittyy ohjaimeen/laturiin.

Virhetila voi ilmetä milloin vain eMove-laturin ollessa kiinni verkkovirrassa niin aktiivisen latauksen aikana kuin laturin ollessa vain kytkettynä autoon. Tämä tarkoittaa sekä latauksen aikana, odottaessa latauksen alkamista tai käynnistymisen aikana.

User connects eMove to mains power Power icon illuminates Indicates connection to mains power Analysis sequence Checks mains supply power Error with mains power Power icon flashes red User disconnects eMove from mains power

Verkkovirran virhetila

Tämä virhetila kertoo, että laturin virransyötössä on ongelma. Tämä voi tarkoittaa virheellistä tai vaihtelevaa jännitettä, maadoitusvikaa tai muuta virhettä.

Verkkovirran virhetila voi ilmetä milloin vain eMove-laturin ollessa kiinni verkkovirrassa. Virhetila voi ilmetä latauksen aikana, odottaessa latauksen alkamista tai käynnistymisen aikana.

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