DEFA Power™ Setup App Release Notes
DEFA Power Setup App
FW version: 2.5.0
Released: 27.11.2024
- Updated information on how to connect to DEFA Balancer if not visible
- Improvement of the sanity checks
- Updated connection API to the backend
- Support for CLU setup with DEFA Power
DEFA Power Setup App
FW version: 2.3.0
Released: 10.09.2024
- Added support to enable Modbus on DEFA Power.
DEFA Power Setup App
FW version: 2.2.0
Released: 26.08.2024
- Possible to update Balancer firmware and separate user access.
DEFA Power Setup App
FW version: 2.0.1
Released: 26.02.2024
- Updated vehicle status in “About”
- Improved grid sanity check behavior
- Improved connection status for iOS devices