Control Panel – 300-600W Inverter
The control panel is installed in the cabin, making it easy to monitor and operate the inverter.
Control Panel – 1000-3000W Inverter
The control panel is installed in the cabin, making it easy to monitor and operate the inverter.
Surface Mounted Control Panel – 300/600W Inverters
The control panel is installed in the cabin, making it easy to turn the inverter on and off as needed.
PlugIn relay contact (12V)
The DEFA 12V relay contacts are used to control engine and interior heaters via DEFA control units.
PlugIn relay contact (24V)
The DEFA relay contact 24V is used to control the engine and interior heater via DEFA control units.
MiniPlug mounting rings
The mounting set allows you to install the MiniPlug in a discreet location without having to drill into the body of the car. It also reduces installation time.
MiniPlug mounting bracket
The bracket makes it possible to install the inlet horizontally or vertically behind the license plate.