DEFA North America Headquarters

15 Allstate Parkway — 6th Floor
Markham, ON L3R 5B4


Phone Numbers:

Direct: 1 647 660 DEFA (3332)
Toll-free USA and Canada: 1 888 539 DEFA (3332).

Ext 1 – Marine
Working Hours 9am to 5pm EST

Ext 2 – Tech Support English
Working Hours 9am to 5pm EST

Ext 3 – Tech Support French
Working Hours 9am to 5pm EST

Ext 4 – Western Regions including Manitoba
Working Hours 9am to 5pm MT

Ext 5 – Ontario
Working Hours 9am to 5pm EST

Ext 6 – Atlantic and Maritimes
Working Hours 9am to 5pm ATL Time

Ext 7 – Quebec
Working Hours 9am to 5pm EST

Ext 8 – General Inquiries English
Working Hours 9am to 5pm EST

Ext 9 – General Inquiries French
Working Hours 9am to 5pm EST


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