No idle charging and heating system
MiniPlug Mounting Kit with Discs
The mounting set allows you to install the MiniPlug in a discreet location without having to drill into the body of the car. It also reduces installation time.
Installation tool
Installation tool kit for installation of the DEFA MiniPlug 24 mm. and interior heater cable.
Bluetooth® programmable control unit
Operate your DEFA WarmUp electrical preheating system with your mobile phone.
WarmUp 1200 Bluetooth®
Get more comfort, a safer experience and reduced fuel consumption and expenses with a DEFA WarmUp system.
Futura® programmable control unit
Control and program your DEFA WarmUp electrical preheating system from inside the cabin.
WarmUp 1200 Futura
Program your departure times and get into a warm car with, less ice and snow on the windows and a fully charged battery. Every morning.
WarmUp 1000 Futura
Get more comfort, less ice and snow on your windows and reduced fuel consumption with a DEFA WarmUp system.